Feasibility Study on Achieving 90% of Plastic Beverage Container Recovery (2024). With Eunomia Research & Consulting as Project Lead, Giroux Environmental Consulting with Millette Environmental contributed to information gathering, data analysis, and report writing. Client: Beverage Container Recycling Network of Canada.
Examining the Role, Management, and Impacts of Plastics in Organics Diversion Programs in Canada – A Resource Document. Prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada in 2023, Giroux Environmental Consulting worked with Kelleher Environmental and Isabelle Faucher Consultancy to develop this publicly available document for ECCC.
Reducing Plastic Waste in the European Union (EU): A Best Practices Highlights Report. Prepared for the Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project, 2023, under the EU Foreign Policy Instrument. This Highlights Report showcases a selection of twenty-five best practice examples in five categories: strategy and policy, extended producer responsibility, green procurement, reuse, and sustainable consumption. The practices represent different tools such as guidelines, roadmaps, technologies, programs, and policies that showcase the momentum across Europe contributing to progress towards the ambitious EU plastics and circular economy goals.
Sustainable Consumption Campaigns: Lessons in Shaping Sustainable Consumers. Co-authored for the Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project, 2023, under the EU Foreign Policy Instrument. The Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada project team conducted a literature review of successful European plastic waste campaigns to identify key factors of successful approaches that resonated with consumers and led to behaviour change. Findings are presented in this publicly accessible report.
Flexible Plastic Recycling Webinar Series: Fact Sheets. Co-authored for the Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project, 2023, under the EU Foreign Policy Instrument. A series of four webinars were held in 2022 that explored European pathways to creating a circular economy for flexible plastic packaging. Each webinar focused on a distinct theme, and together they examined the complex ecosystem of plastics recovery with a focus on the emerging policies, strategies, processes and technologies to deal with the growing market segment of flexible packaging.
Reuse Symposium and Policy Dialogue on Reuse in Canada: What We Heard Report. Co-authored for the Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project, 2022 under the EU Foreign Policy Instrument. Co-hosted with Environment and Climate Change Canada, this multi-stakeholder event was held in Toronto November 30 and December 1, 2022. The event was a full day plenary followed by a half day policy dialogue. The focus of this event was to deepen stakeholders and governments’ knowledge of reuse practices in Canada and abroad and discuss solutions to expand and accelerate their implementation.
Best Management Practices for Disposal Bans, Levies, and End-of-Life Plastics. Prepared for the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment, 2021. Giroux Environmental consulting with Envirings, Inc. and René Drolet Consulting.
Solid Waste Management in Canadian Municipalities – A Snapshot, 2020. Prepared for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Giroux Environmental Consulting and Envirings, Inc.
Transforming the Waste Sector, March 12, 2020. Best Practices in Municipal Sustainability Webinar Presentation by Laurie Giroux. See the FCM website for the Webinar Recording (#4).
Report on the State of Waste Management in Canada prepared for the Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment, 2014. Giroux Environmental Consulting with associates Duncan Bury Consulting and René Drolet Consulting.
Tires: A successful waste diversion story. Waste and Recycling Magazine, June 2021.
Review and Assessment of End of Life Controls Including Disposal Bans and other Instruments for Products Containing Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in the Great Lakes Basin. Prepared for the International Joint Commission, Great Lakes Water Quality Board, 2015. Duncan Bury Consulting, Giroux Environmental Consulting, Rene Drolet Consulting Services, and the Product Stewardship Institute (U.S.).
Framework and Implementation Plan for a Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Program in Atlantic Canada, 2014. Prepared for Recycle NB, with support from the Governments of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Giroux Environmental Consulting, with associates Duncan Bury Consulting and Gardiner Pinfold.
Best Practices for Achieving Environmentally Sound Management for End of Life Electronics, 2013. Prepared for The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), under the North American Free Trade Agreement. Giroux Environmental Consulting and associates. See the CEC website to view training material developed, including seven separate modules geared to small and medium sized businesses in North America.
Capacity Development for Environmental Management and Governance in the Energy Sector in Developing Countries, 2010. Prepared for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris. OECD Environment Working Papers No. 25. G. Matheson and L. Giroux, Marbek Resource Consultants.
Inventory and Assessment of Sustainable Community Best Practice Guides, 2009. Prepared for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). 2009. L. Giroux et. al. with Marbek Resource Consultants. The publication is a compendium geared towards informed specialist audience including municipalities, builders/developers and housing professionals such as planners, architects and engineers.
Extended Producer Responsibility Evaluation Tool and Guidance Document, 2008. Prepared for CCME. PN 1397. L. Giroux, with Marbek Resource Consultants.