Guidance to Reduce Plastic Contaminants from Entering the Environment from Biosolids and the Organic Waste Processing Sector (2023-24). With Kelleher Environmental, Envirings, and Isabelle Faucher Consultancy, Giroux Environmental Consulting is developing a Guidance Document that characterizes plastic contaminants in source separated organics waste streams as well as biosolids and identifies leading approaches to reduce plastic contaminants from these waste streams. Client: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.
Review of PEI’s Beverage Container Program (2024). With Kelleher Environmental and Millette Environmental, Giroux Environmental Consulting conducted a review and assessment of PEI’s Beverage Container Program, including a comparison of regulatory elements, financial models, and diversion performance with other Deposit-Return Systems in Canada. Client: Government of Prince Edward Island.
The Role, Management, and Impacts of Plastics in Organic Waste Diversion Programs in Canada (2023). With Kelleher Environmental and Isabelle Faucher Consultancy, Giroux Environmental Consulting developed a Resource Document that examines both the benefits and challenges associated with inclusion of plastics in organics diversion programs. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Reducing Plastic Releases from Natural Disasters and Spills: A Primer (2023). With Envirings, Inc., Giroux Environmental Consulting conducted a literature review of emerging jurisdictional approaches in Canada and internationally to reduce the releases of plastics into the environment from natural disasters and spills. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Reducing Plastic Releases in Canadian Stormwater, Wastewater, and Industrial Discharges: A Primer (2022). With Envirings, Inc. Giroux Environmental Consulting researched emerging jurisdictional approaches in Canada and internationally to reduce the releases of plastics in stormwater and wastewater, and industrial discharges. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Key Expert II – Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project (2022-2023). The Reducing Plastic Waste in Canada Project was part of a two-year project within the Circular Plastics in the Americas Program (CPAP) funded by the European Union to support the transition towards more sustainable production and consumption of plastics globally. Laurie Giroux was part of the project team delivering this project in Canada for the project consortium (EPRD, Poland and sequa gGmbh, Germany), her role included stakeholder engagement, and event planning, report writing and profiling best practices from Europe that focused on circular economy, circular procurement, recycling technologies, and strategic directives.
State of Paper Recycling in Canada (2022- 2023). With associates Kelleher Environmental and Isabelle Faucher Consultancy, Giroux Environmental conducted a national survey to assess the state of paper recycling in Canada. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Technical Writing Support for Stakeholder Consultations on the Cross Border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations (2023-2024). Giroux Environmental Consulting is providing support to synthesize stakeholder comments on proposed regulatory changes. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Distinguishing Waste, Recyclable Material and Products under the Cross Border Movement of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations: Jurisdictional Scan (2022). Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada.
External Peer Reviewer, Government of Canada New Frontiers in Research Fund, Exploration 2021. Conducted an independent external review of a multi-million-dollar funding proposal on plastic waste pollution research. For the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canadian Institute of Health Research, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, January 2022.
Expert Peer Reviewer, Government of Canada New Frontiers in Research Fund, Transformative Stream 2020. Conducted an independent expert review of a multi-million-dollar funding proposal on plastic waste pollution research, and participated in a peer review panel of experts to evaluate the research proposal. For the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Canadian Institute of Health Research, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, May 2021.
Review of Provincial and Territorial Measures Pertaining to Recycling in Selected Sectors, Summarized Recycling Policy Frameworks and Industry Standards (2021). Sectors included paper, plastics, tires, and electronics. Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC).
Assessment of the Used Tire Management Program in Newfoundland and Labrador (2021). Client: Multi-Materials Stewardship Board of Newfoundland and Labrador. Giroux Environmental Consulting in association with Kelleher Environmental and Millette Environmental.
Mercury Lamp Diversion Programs – Best Practices in Program Design and Implementation (2020). Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Giroux Environmental Consulting with Envirings, Inc. and René Drolet Consulting.
Assessing the Issue of E-Commerce and EPR Programs in Canada (2020). Client: Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA), Giroux Environmental Consulting with associates Selena Fraser-Arvai Consulting and René Drolet Consulting.
Third Party Review and Analysis of the First Nations Solid Waste Management Initiative (FNSWMI) (2020). Client: Indigenous Services Canada, Giroux Environmental Consulting and René Drolet Consulting.
Identification of Best Management Practices for Disposal Bans, Levies and Incentives for End-of-Life Plastics (2019). Client: Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Giroux Environmental Consulting and René Drolet Consulting.
Municipal Waste Sector Scan and Best Practice Identification (2019). Client: Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Envirings, Inc. with Giroux Environmental Consulting and Selena Fraser-Arvai.
Analysis of Stakeholder Comments on the Draft Canada-Wide Zero Plastics Waste Framework (2018). Client: Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME)
Jurisdictional Review of International and Domestic Approaches to Define Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material, Identification of Gaps and Recommendations for Canada’s Regulatory Regime (2017-18). Client: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Giroux Environmental Consulting and five associates completed a comprehensive study on hazardous waste definitions and criteria from 20+ leading jurisdictions.
Regulatory Review of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Programs Across Canada – A Benchmarking Study (2016). Client: CCME. Giroux Environmental Consulting with associates Love Environment and Robins Environmental.
Extended Producer Responsibility in Canada – Invited Expert to Present at a Conference on Canadian Waste Policy Approaches for the Canadian Embassy, Science and Technology Division, Berlin, Germany, 2015, for Global Affairs Canada.
Chemicals-in-Products Research Study – Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in the Great Lakes Basin, 2015. For the International Joint Commission Great Lakes Water Quality Board, Giroux Environmental Consulting with Duncan Bury Consulting, the U.S. Product Stewardship Institute, and René Drolet Consulting.
Expert Panelist at a Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Extended Producer Responsibility in Atlantic Canada, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2014 for Recycle NB and the Government of New Brunswick.
Development of a Management Framework and Implementation Plan Options for a Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Program in Atlantic Canada (2014). Client: Recycle NB, with support from Governments of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Report on the State of Waste Management in Canada (2014). Client: CCME, Giroux Environmental Consulting with associates Duncan Bury Consulting and René Drolet Consulting.
Regulatory Review of Landfill Environmental Protection Control Measures Across Canada (2014). Client: Environment Canada.
Regulatory Review of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Materials Control Measures Across Canada (2013). Client: Environment Canada.
Best Practices for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Environmentally Sound Management for End of Life Electronics (2013). Client: Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) under the North American Free Trade Agreement, Giroux Environmental Consulting and associates developed seven modules of training material. See the CEC website to view training material developed.
Numerous other waste policy projects as a consultant with Marbek Resource Consultants and ICF Marbek from 1999-2012 addressing topics including waste diversion action plans and strategies, program impact reviews, identification or evaluation of jurisdictional best practices, and regulatory reviews.